Forensic Psychology / Services is the interface between psychology, criminology and neuroscience research of human beings and general jurisprudence, all legal systems and the various branches therein that uphold the law.
DC Waterstone Forensic Services derives from advanced doctoral education in clinical and forensic psychology and is further grounded in 25 years of training and work experience, in both Canada and US, across correctional environments, inpatient forensic settings, community based corrections, court directed / diversion programs and numerous criminal justice liaisons with police, probation, lawyers and polygraph examiners.
DC Waterstone Approach
In response to the vast heterogeneity of criminal behaviour / psychopathology and the variability of case dynamics, DC Waterstone Services is committed to providing individualized case consultations that are evidence based, empirically guided and grounded in deductive reasoning with supporting argumentation. Consultation length of time, fees, resource accessibility and deliverables are determined on a case by case basis.
Judges, Lawyers and Victim Support Services
- Case Analysis of criminal behaviour, exploration of dangerousness and mental health; restorative justice case review with recommendations that ensure accountability, rehabilitation and community safety; case preparation for accused with challenging behaviours, case preparation for traumatized witnesses, advisory support for professionals vulnerable to vicarious trauma; comprehensive trauma informed case review.
Police and Investigative Services
- Consultation and direct guided support Interviewing of Sex Offenders, Psychopaths, Stalkers, individuals with aberrant behaviour and suspected mental illness, Defensible Case Analysis, Clinical Profiling and Investigative – Interviewing Strategies.
Probation / Parole
- Risk Reduction case management and planning; consultation and direct guided support in understanding, engaging, and interviewing Sex Offenders, Psychopaths, Stalkers, individuals with aberrant behaviour and suspected mental illness.
Emergency Response and Crisis Negotiation
- Consultation and direct guided support of emergency responders and crisis negotiators who are interacting with individuals with aberrant behaviour, mental illness and/or neurodevelopment delays.
Polygraph Examiners
- Consultation and direct guided support Interviewing of Sex Offenders, Psychopaths, Stalkers and individuals with aberrant behaviour and suspected mental illness.
Professionals outside of the criminal justice field who interact and/or support individuals who have engaged in criminal / aberrant behaviour and/or endured the impact of such acts and behaviour. (Educators, Psychologists, Counsellors, Social Workers, Residential Support Workers etc.)