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Psychopaths Who Stalk: Pernicious Attachments Session Two

Online Zoom

A predator in our community evokes fear and an anxious curiosity to learn more about our vulnerability and the seemingly incomprehensible acts of the predator. People identified as Stalkers and Psychopaths often share the same label of predator however have vastly different clinical profiles and attachment patterns. Stalking behaviours can occur in person, online, among teens and adults, by strangers, co-workers and former partners. Utilizing Psychopath Stalker case examples, stalking based forensic victimology and the biopsychosocial traits commonly associated with Stalking and Stalking Psychopaths, we will take an empirically guided examination of this pernicious behaviour through the developmental and relational lens of attachment theory.


Stalking: Pernicious Attachments Session One

Online Zoom

A predator in our community evokes fear and an anxious curiosity to learn more about our vulnerability and the seemingly incomprehensible acts of the predator. People identified as Stalkers and Psychopaths often share the same relentless label of predator however tend to have vastly different clinical profiles and attachment patterns. Stalking behaviours can occur in person, online, among teens and adults, by strangers, co-workers and former partners. Utilizing Stalker case examples, stalking based forensic victimology and the biopsychosocial traits commonly associated with Stalking and Stalking Psychopaths, we will take an empirically guided examination of this pernicious behaviour through the developmental and relational lens of attachment theory.


SIVA Train the Trainer w/ Incentive Option

Online Zoom

SIVA (Supporting Individuals Through Valued Attachments) is offering a Train the Trainer Course with an introductory Incentive on April 27th to April 30th . SIVA Training is a Canadian-created safety management course for mental health professionals, residential care providers, educators and caregivers responsible for individuals with challenging unsafe behaviours. SIVA’s holistic relationship based model effectively utilizes collaboration, goal-direction, self-management and healthy empowerment to strengthen relationships and create safety. During both the Introductory and Trainer Courses, participants will receive guided instruction and hands-on experience in learning the hallmark philosophy, guiding principles, applied modules of the SIVA Program and access to the Direct Core Training modules as listed on SIVA’s website.
