Stalking: Pernicious Attachments Session One

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Stalking: Pernicious Attachments presentation has been designed for a general audience and special interest professionals. Participants with no prior education in this field can build critical awareness and understanding while mental health and criminal justice professionals can expand their knowledge and learn essential attachment based approaches to working with this population. 

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants of this presentation will be able to identify salient developmental and attachment patterns of people who engage in stalking behaviour (not including psychopaths).
  2. Utilizing the biopsychosocial traits commonly associated with stalking, identify and analyze the impact of early attachment trauma and adaptive and maladaptive functioning. 
  3. Utilizing a Stalker case example with forensic victimology, demonstrate the attachment patterns, decision-making process and function of Targeted Victim(s). 
  4. Critically evaluate approaches for engagement, interviewing and management of Stalkers. 

Register Now       **Warning, real life case examples with violent and sexually graphic content.**