Return to Work Programs and Sustainable Change

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During this course participants will be introduced to a dynamic, holistic approach to employee support that balances the experience of the employee and department functioning with workplace competency and EAP findings.

RTW Learning Objectives

  1. Demonstrate the development, function and application of a dynamic, holistic approach to RTW employee support.
  2. Demonstrate the value of a pre-leave team and department assessment.
  3. Learn how to balance employee rights of privacy with EAP collaboration.
  4. Demonstrate the importance of strengthening competency expectations that inform the RTW process.
  5. Demonstrate the parameters and real time functioning of RTW team support.
  6. Demonstrate how to determine employee specific follow-up support, training, data collection and evaluation.
  7. Demonstrate the infinite value of management training and H/R collaboration in determining the sustainability of RTW programming.
  8. Demonstrate the function of workplace culture in determining the believability of all RTW efforts.
  9. Provide participants with a method of support and a healthy relationship driven checklist for RTW programs.

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